Table des matières
The objective of this lab is to give an introduction to visualization with Matplotlib and scientific computing with Numpy. We'll implement a simple function with different programming methods, measure the performances of each and visualize the results.
Classic programming methods
Develop a function fibonacci_rec(n)
that computes the value of the n-th term of the Fibonacci sequence. This function must be recursive. The expected results for the first values are: {$ 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181... $}
Time analysis
The timeit
function of the package bearing the same name is used to measure the execution time of Python code. In the following example, timeit
returns the total time of 100 executions of the Python code to smooth the results.
Execution times may vary from machine to machine; you should expect an execution time of a few thousandths of a second. Try it.
from timeit import timeit timeit(lambda : fibonacci_rec(10), number=100)
We defined a function measure()
that determines the execution time of a function for a sequence of values.
When we measure the performances of fibonacci()
with different values of {$n$}, we should observe a high execution time for values
beyond {$n = 20$}.
def measure(func, values, number=100): m = [] for i in values : m.append(timeit(lambda : func(i), number=number)) return m measure(fibonacci_rec, [1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 25])
Develop a function fibonacci_iter(n)
that computes the value of the n-th term of the Fibonacci sequence. This function must be iterative.
Remark for advanced students : do not use memoization.
Measure the execution time of fibonacci_iter(n)
. It should be significantly faster than the recursive version.
We'll now plot these values. We use the pyplot
module from the matplotlib
The following instructions plot a series of points defined by two lists of coordinates x
and y
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(xvalues, yvalues, label="name for legend") plt.legend()
The graph should always contain a title and a legend, have named axes, the scale of the y-axis must be logarithmic, the scale of the x-axis must start at 0. Here are some useful functions.
plt.yscale("log") plt.xlabel("Name") plt.ylabel("Name") plt.title("Name")
Be inclusive, don't forget color-blind people (about 1 in 20 people) and choose line styles that can be told apart without using colors. Line styles can be set with the following codes: ":", "-", "-." and "--".
plt.plot(xvalues, yvalues, "--", label="Dashed line")
Put it all together
Define a function main()
that measures that execution time of fibonacci_rec()
and fibonacci_iter()
, and
plots the performance curves.
Alternative method
An alternative method to compute the Fibonacci sequence consists in using matrices. A matricial form of the Fibonacci sequence is given below:
{$$ \left( \begin{matrix} F_1 \\ F_2 \end{matrix} \right) = \left( \begin{matrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 \end{matrix} \right) * \left( \begin{matrix} F_0 \\ F_1 \end{matrix} \right) $$}
and in general:
{$$ \left( \begin{matrix} F_n \\ F_{n+1} \end{matrix} \right) = \left( \begin{matrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 \end{matrix} \right)^n * \left( \begin{matrix} F_0 \\ F_1 \end{matrix} \right) $$}
We'll use numpy
to compute operations on matrices.
Here are some simple steps to help you.
Creation of matrices and vectors.
import numpy as np mat1 = np.array([[5,6],[10,3]]) vec = np.array([[9],[2]])
Access to one element.
mat1[1,0] # => 10
Some term-to-term operations.
mat2 = mat1 + mat1 # => mat2[i,j] = mat1[i, j] + mat1[i,j] mat3 = mat1 * 2 # => mat3[i,j] = mat1[i,j] * 2 ...
Some matrix operations.
mat4 = np.matmul(mat1, mat1) # matrix product mat5 = mat1 @ mat1 # abbreviated product syntax mat6 = np.linalg.matrix_power(mat1, 2) # mat1**2
Take a moment to familiarize yourself with numpy
matrix operations in a Python shell.
WARNING: you may already have used np.matrix
instead of np.array
. They work slightly differently. In particular, operations like M ** 2
or M * vec
are available for np.matrix
; it all seems very practical. HOWEVER, the numpy
documentation is very clear on this point, the np.matrix
object will be removed from the library soon, so you have to stop using them: "It is no longer recommended to use this class, even for linear algebra. Instead use regular arrays. The class may be removed in the future".
Develop a function fibonacci_mat(n)
that computes the value of the n-th term of the Fibonacci sequence. This function must use numpy functions.
Include this function in your performance analysis.
Large values of {$n$}
Your recursive function is probably much slower than the other two variants. The execution time seems to increase exponentially with the value of {$n$}. And it does. Test your functions with larger values of {$n$}. Start with range(1, 20, 2)
, then range(1, 30, 3)
and so on until the execution time of fibonacci_rec
becomes too long.
Test the three functions.
The devil is in the detail
Compare the results of fibonacci_iter(93)
and fibonacci_mat(93)
. Where does the problem come from?
Well done
You have completed the first part of this lab. You studied the basics of visualization with matplotlib
and, for the first time, touched with hand the simplicity of matrix calculations with numpy
If you still have time, you may want to check the next following questions.
Optional questions
The problem with the recursive function comes from the exponentially large number of recursive calls. The function may be called many times with the same input value. It is possible to work around this problem through memoization. The rationale of memoization is to store the intermediate results in a dictionary and make a recursive call only if the result of the call is not in the dictionary yet.
Modify the implementation of your recursive function to use memoization and compare its performances with the two other functions.
You can find out more on memoization here.
Very large values of {$n$}
Up to what value of {$n$} can you compute results? It depends on your machine. Increase the measurement range, ex. from {$0$} to {$20,000$} with a step of {$1,000$}. One of the functions should generate an error message for too large values of {$n$}.
In your opinion
- Why does
have an execution time which increases for small values of {$n$} and then seems to be constant? - What does
error message means for large values of {$n$}?
Try the matrix computation your way
Since matrix computation with Numpy generates overflows, you can implement your own method using lists of native Python integer numbers. You'll need a function to compute the product of matrices (matrices will be represented as lists of lists), and a fast exponentiation function.