Département informatique
Plateau de Moulon
3 rue Joliot-Curie
F-91192 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex
1CC2000 - Algorithmique et Complexité - TD01 Practice

Graph traversal

Implementation in Python 3 of the graph traversal algorithms seen during the course and during the TD 1.

Copy/past the code and the tests to a Python file you open in your favorite IDE.

Exercise plan:

  • Breadth-First Search ;
  • Depth-First Search ;
  • Bipartite graphs
  • 2-coloring ;

Before starting the exercises, please install the Python module networkx to be able to display graphs. Depending on your distribution/OS, you may use the Anaconda GUI or try this command: pip3 --user install "networkx>=2.2"

A set of functions are defined in the first cells. They help to load data to test and to verify the produced solutions, etc. Run the following cell/code to import these modules that we provide but we hide:

import zlib, base64

The next cell/code allows the loading of a graph to test and displays it.


Breadth-First Search

Complete the function breadth_first_search(graph, root). It takes as parameter a graph and the label(number) of a root vertex. It returns a list of vertices in the order of visit.

The graphs are represented as dictionaries and you can use the following Python functions from networkx:

  • nodes (graph): returns the list of vertices of graph.
  • neighbors (graph, x): returns the list of neighboring vertices of x in the graph.
def breadth_first_search(graph, root = '0'):
    visited = []

    ############### TODO : complete code #####################

    return visited

my_bfs=breadth_first_search(my_graph, '0')
print('the order of visit is :', my_bfs)
display_graph(my_graph, labels={v: my_bfs.index(v) for v in my_bfs})

To verify that your algorithm is working properly, we will perform a set of tests, run the following cell:

validate_bfs(breadth_first_search, nbTests = 10)

Bipartite graphs

In this part we will determine if a graph is bipartite. As we studied in TD1, we can rely on the BFS algorithm. We compute the depth/distance of each node starting from any root. A graph is bipartite if there is no edge between two nodes having the same depth.

Adapt your BFS algorithm so that it returns a dictionary depth which entries are of the form vertex: depth.

def breadth_first_search_depth(graph, root):
    depth = { root : 0 }

    ############### TODO : complete code #####################

    return depth

print('the depths are :',  depth)
display_graph(my_graph, labels=depth)

Write a function is_bipartite(graph) to test whether the graph given as parameter is bipartite.

def is_bipartite(graph):

    ############### TODO : complete code #####################    

    return True

assert not is_bipartite(my_graph1)

assert is_bipartite(my_graph2)


We want to write a recursive algorithm, which takes as input a graph and returns a pair result, color where:

  • result is True if the graph is 2-colorable, False if not and
  • color is a dictionary associating to each vertex a color 0 that is white or 1 that is gray.

This algorithm should may stop when the graph is not 2-colorable.

# recursive function called by coloring
def coloring2_rec(graph, n, color):

    ############### TODO : complete code #####################    

    return True

# the main call function for recursive version
def coloring(graph):
    root = nodes(graph)[0]
    color = {root:0}
    return coloring2_rec(graph, root, color), color

# tests
res, color = coloring(my_graph)
print('the colors are :',  color)
assert not res
display_graph(my_graph, node_color=color) # red = not colored

res, color = coloring(my_graph2)
print('the colors are :',  color)
assert res
display_graph(my_graph2, node_color=color)