CentraleSupélec LMF, UMR CNRS 9021
Département informatique Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles
Bât Breguet, 3 rue Joliot-Curie Bât 650 Ada Lovelace, Université Paris Sud
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France Rue Noetzlin, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
TD n°1 de FISDA : spécifications algébriques

Exercice 1

Dans la spécification des booléens vue en cours et rappelée ci-dessous, démontrer formellement les théorèmes suivants : {$\def\OR{\,\,.\mkern -3mu\vee.\,}$}

  • {$a \OR \mbox{false} = a$}
  • {$a \OR b = b \OR a$}
  • {$(a \OR b) \OR c = a \OR (b \OR c)$}
theorem "a .∨. false = a"
proof -
  from b7[where b= "false"] have "a .∨. false = ¬.(¬.a .∧. ¬.false)" .
  also from notfalse have "... = ¬.(¬.a .∧. true)" .. (* congruence par .∧. puis par ¬. *)
  also from b3[where a = "¬.a"] have "... = ¬.(¬.a)" .. (* congruence par ¬. *)
  also from b2 have "... = a" .
  finally show ?thesis .

theorem "a .∨. b = b .∨. a"
proof -
  from b7 have "a .∨. b = ¬.(¬.a .∧. ¬.b)" .
  also from b6[where a = "¬.a" and b = "¬.b"] have "... = ¬.(¬.b .∧. ¬.a)" .. (* congruence par ¬. *)
  also from b7[where a = "b" and b = "a", symmetric] have "... = b .∨. a" .
  finally show ?thesis .

theorem "(a .∨. b) .∨. c = a .∨. (b .∨. c)"
proof -
  from b7[where a = "a .∨. b" and b = "c"] have "(a .∨. b) .∨. c = ¬.(¬.(a .∨. b) .∧. ¬.c)" .
  also from b7 have "... = ¬.(¬.(¬.(¬.a .∧. ¬.b)) .∧. ¬.c)" .. (* congruence par .∧. et ¬. *)
  also from b2[where a = "¬.a .∧. ¬.b"] have "... = ¬.((¬.a .∧. ¬.b) .∧. ¬.c)" .. (* cong. idem *)
  also from b5[where a = "¬.a" and b = "¬.b" and c = "¬.c"] have "... = ¬.(¬.a .∧. (¬.b .∧. ¬.c))" ..
  also from b2[where a = "¬.b .∧. ¬.c", symmetric] have "... = ¬.(¬.a .∧. ¬. (¬.(¬.b .∧. ¬.c)))" ..
  also from b7[where b = "¬.(¬.b .∧. ¬.c)", symmetric] have "... = a .∨. ¬.(¬.b .∧. ¬.c)" .
  also from b7[where a = "b" and b = "c", symmetric] have "... = a .∨. (b .∨. c)" ..
  finally have "(a .∨. b) .∨. c = a .∨. (b .∨. c)" .
  thus ?thesis .
theory Bool
imports Main
(* This type is called boolean because bool is already defined in Isabelle       *)
(* Since "True" and "False" are of type bool, we use "true" and "false" instead   *)
(* The Not, And and Or operations are noted ¬., .∧. and .∨. to distinguish them  *)
(* from the operations on the predefined bool type. *)

(* Signature of the specification = name of the sort + constants and operations *)
datatype boolean = 
 | false
   (* Logical Not, with prefix notation "¬." *)
 | Not boolean            ("¬.")
   (* Logical And, with infix notation ".∧." with precedence 65 ("=" has precedence 50) *)
 | And boolean boolean    (infix ".∧." 65)
   (* Logical Or, with infix notation ".∨." with precedence 65 ("=" has precedence 50) *)
 | Or boolean boolean     (infix ".∨." 65)

(* The signature determines the set of terms of the specification *)
(* Examples of closed terms (without variables) *)
term "true"
term "false"
term "Not faux"
term "¬. faux"  (* using the notation *)
term "And true false"
term "true .∧. false" (* using the infix notation *)
term "(true .∧. false) .∨. true"

(* Examples of things that are not terms *)
term "Not true false"
term "true Or"

(* Examples of terms with variables *)
term "(a::boolean) .∧. true"  (* The type of the variable is stated explicitely *)
term "a .∧. true"             (* The type of the variable is infered automatically *)

(* Axioms of the specification: determine which terms are intrinsically congruent *)
  b1 : "¬. true = false"                    and
  b2 : "¬.(¬.a) = a"                        and
  b3 : "a .∧. true = a"                     and
  b4 : "a .∧. false = false"                and
  b5 : "(a .∧. b) .∧. c = a .∧. (b .∧. c)"  and
  b6 : "a .∧. b = b .∧. a"                  and
  b7 : "a .∨. b = ¬.(¬.a .∧. ¬.b)"

(* Show that ¬.false = true                                                                 *)
(*   proof methods are:                                                                     *)
(*     .       : deduce fact from raw facts                                                 *)
(*     ..      : deduce fact from facts and congruence                                      *)
(*     by simp : deduce fact from facts using congruence, symmetry and simplifications      *)
(*               (functions, axioms which are marked [simp])                                *)
(*     by (metis fact1 fact2 ... factn) : deduce fact from list of facts                    *)
(*                                                                                          *)
(*     "..." in a cascade of facts (marked by "also" and closed by "finally") refers to     *)
(*           the previous right hand side of the equality. This is a common shorthand when  *)
(*           using transitivity in a proof.                                                 *)
theorem notfalse:
  "¬. false = true"
proof - 
  from b1 [symmetric] have "false = ¬.true" .
  from this have "¬.false = ¬.(¬.true)" ..
  also from b2 [where a = true] have "... = true" .
  finally show ?thesis .
(* Can also be proved by (metis b1 b2)*)

theorem ortrue:
  "a .∨. true = true"
proof -
  from b7 [where b = true] have "a .∨. true = ¬.(¬.a .∧. ¬.true)" .
  also from b1 have "... = ¬.(¬.a .∧. false)" ..
  also from b4 [where a = "¬.a"] have "... = ¬.false" ..
  also from notfalse have "... = true" .
  finally show ?thesis .
(* can also be proved by (metis b1 b4 b7 notfalse)*)

theorem morgan2:
  "a .∧. b = ¬.(¬.a .∨. ¬.b)"
proof -
  from b7 [where a = "¬.a" and b = "¬.b"]
       have "¬.a .∨. ¬.b = ¬.(¬.(¬.a) .∧. ¬.(¬.b))" .
  also from b2 and b2 [where a = b] have "... = ¬.(a .∧. b)" by simp
  finally have "¬.a .∨. ¬.b = ¬.(a .∧. b)" .
  from this have "¬.(¬.a .∨. ¬.b) = ¬.(¬.(a .∧. b))" ..
  also from b2 [where a = "a .∧. b"] have "... = a .∧. b" .
  finally have "¬.(¬.a .∨. ¬.b) = a .∧. b" .
  from this [symmetric] show ?thesis .
(* can also be proved by (metis b2 b7)*)

(* Proof that all booleans are either true or false              *)
(* Here we use the regular ∨ operator in the theorem             *)
(* because (a = true) and (a = false) are propositions in the    *)
(* logic framework used for the proof.                           *)
theorem alltruefalse: "(a = true) ∨ (a = false)"
        (is "?P a") (* We define ?P as an abbreviation of the property *)
proof (induct a) (* structural induction *)
  case (true)
    have "true = true" .. (* Reflexivity *)
    hence "?P true" ..
    thus ?case .
  case (false)
    have "false = false" ..
    hence "?P false" ..
    thus ?case .
  case (Not b) thus ?case
  proof (cases "b = true")
    case True (* b = true *)
      from b1 have "(¬.b) = false" ..
      thus ?thesis ..
    case False (* b ≠ true *)
      from notfalse have "(¬.b) = true" ..
      thus ?thesis ..
  case (And b c) thus ?case
    proof (cases "c = true")
      case True (* c = true *)
        from this and b3[where a = "b"] have "b .∧. c = b" by simp
        with And.hyps(1) have "?P (b .∧. c)" by simp
        thus ?thesis .
      case False (* c ≠ true *)
        from this and And.hyps(2) have "c = false" by simp
        with b4[where a = "b"] have "b .∧. c = false" by simp
        thus ?thesis ..
  case (Or b c) thus ?case using b7[where a = "b" and b = "c"] by simp

(* A more automated version of the same proof *)
theorem alltruefalse_auto: "(a = true) ∨ (a = false)"
proof (induct a) (* structural induction *)
  case "true" thus ?case by simp
  case "false" thus ?case by simp
  case Not thus ?case by (metis b1 notfalse)
  case And thus ?case by (metis b3 b4)
  case Or thus ?case using b7 by simp

Exercice 2

On considère la spécification suivante des listes :

theory ListTD1
imports Main

(* A list of strings *)
datatype list = 
| cons string list

(* Tell whether a list is nil *)
fun null :: "list ⇒ bool"
  "null nil = True"
| "null (cons e l) = False"

(* Get the first item of a list (not defined for the empty list) *)
fun first :: "list ⇒ string"
  "first (cons e l) = e"

(* Get the rest of a list (all its items but the first one) *)
fun rest :: "list ⇒ list"
  "rest nil = nil"
| "rest (cons e l) = l"


Question 1

Donner une extension de cette spécification définissant les opérations :

qui donne la longueur d'une liste
qui indique si un élément est présent dans une liste
qui donne la position d'un élément dans une liste
qui rend l'inverse d'une liste (les éléments sont dans l'ordre inverse)
qui rend l'élément se trouvant à une position donnée dans une liste
qui insère un élément à une position donnée dans une liste

theory ListTD_Extended

(* Extension of ListTD1 with new operations *)
imports ListTD1

 * In the definition of the functions, we give a name to the axioms
 * so that we can use them later in proofs.
 * The name of an axiom is set by putting a name followed by ':' in front of the definition.

(* Length of a list = number of items in the list *)
fun length:: "list ⇒ nat"
    len_nil:  "length nil = 0"  (* known as axiom len_nil *)
  | len_cons: "length (cons e l) = Suc (length l)"

value "length nil"
value "length (cons ''a'' (cons ''b'' nil))"

(* Tells whether a list contains a given string. *)
fun contains:: "list ⇒ string ⇒ bool"
    cont_nil:  "contains nil elem = False"   (* The empty list contains nothing *)
  | cont_cons: "contains (cons e l) elem = ( (* A list contains an item *)
                  if (elem = e)              (* if the item if the first one *)
                  then True
                  else contains l elem       (* or if the rest of the list contains the item *)

(* Return the position of the first occurrence of a string in a list *)
(* "index l s" is defined only if "contains l s"                     *)
fun index:: "list ⇒ string ⇒ nat"
    "index (cons e l) elem = (
       if (elem = e)
       then Suc 0              (* if the string is the first element, the index is 1 *)
       else Suc (index l elem) (* else, it is the successor (+1) of the position of the element in the rest of the list *)
  | "index l s = undefined"

value "index (cons ''a'' (cons ''b'' (cons ''c'' (cons ''a'' nil)))) ''b''"

(* Append a string at the end of a list *)
fun snoc:: "list ⇒ string ⇒ list"
    snoc_nil:  "snoc nil e = cons e nil"
  | snoc_cons: "snoc (cons e1 l) e = cons e1 (snoc l e)"

(* Reverse the order of the items of a list *)
fun reverse:: "list ⇒ list"
    rev_nil:  "reverse nil = nil"
  | rev_cons: "reverse (cons e l) = snoc (reverse l) e"

value "reverse (cons ''a'' (cons ''b'' (cons ''c'' (cons ''d'' nil))))"

(* Get the string at a given position in a list *)
(* "get l n" is defined only if n > 0 and n ≤ length l *)
fun get:: "list ⇒ nat ⇒ string"
    get_0:   "get (cons e l) (Suc 0) = e"
  | get_suc: "get (cons e l) (Suc n) = get l n"
  | "get l i = undefined"

(* Insert a string at a given position in a list *)
(* "insert l n s" is defined only if n > 0 and n ≤ (Suc length l) *)
(* because it is possible to insert after the last item, at position Suc length l *)
fun insert:: "list ⇒ nat ⇒ string ⇒ list"
    insert_0:   "insert l (Suc 0) elem = cons elem l"
  | insert_suc: "insert (cons e l) (Suc n) elem = cons e (insert l n elem)"
  | "insert l i s = undefined"

Question 2

Démontrer par induction structurelle que length (snoc l x) = length (cons x l).

(* The notation [of "t1" "t2" ... "tn"] is another way to perform substitution *)
(* It substitutes terms t1, t2 ... tn to the first n variables of a fact. *)
(* The notation [where v1="t1" and v2="t2" ... and vn="tn"] we have already seen *)
(* gives the name of the variables explicitely, while [of ...] uses their position. *)
theorem "length (snoc l x) = length (cons x l)"
proof (induction l)
  case nil
    from snoc_nil[of "x"] have "snoc nil x = cons x nil" .
    hence "length (snoc nil x) = length (cons x nil)" by simp (* congruence by length *)
    thus ?case .
  case (cons e ll)
    (* Firstly, show that length (snoc (cons e ll) x) = Suc (Suc (length ll)) *)
    from snoc_cons[of "e" "ll" "x"] have "snoc (cons e ll) x = cons e (snoc ll x)" .
    hence "length (snoc (cons e ll) x) = length (cons e (snoc ll x))" by simp
    also from len_cons[of "e" "snoc ll x"] have "... = Suc (length (snoc ll x))" .
    also from cons.IH have "... = Suc (length (cons x ll))" ..
    also from len_cons[of "x" "ll"] have "... = Suc (Suc (length ll))" ..
    finally have 1: "length (snoc (cons e ll) x) = Suc (Suc (length ll))" .
    (* Secondly, show that length (cons x (cons e ll)) is also Suc (Suc (length ll)) *)
    from len_cons[of "x" "cons e ll"] have "length (cons x (cons e ll)) = Suc (length (cons e ll))" .
    also from len_cons[of "e" "l"] have "... = Suc (Suc (length ll))" by simp
    finally have 2: "length (cons x (cons e ll)) = Suc (Suc (length ll))" .
    (* Now, conclude... *)
    from 1 and 2 have "length (snoc (cons e ll) x) = length (cons x (cons e ll))" ..
    thus ?case .

Question 3

Démontrer par induction structurelle que snoc l e = insert l e (Suc (length l))

theorem "snoc l e = insert l (Suc (length l)) e"
proof (induction l)
  case nil
    from snoc_nil have "snoc nil e = cons e nil" .
    also from len_nil and insert_0[of "nil" "e", symmetric] have "cons e nil = insert nil (Suc (length nil)) e" by simp
    finally show ?case .
  case (cons e' l')
    from snoc_cons[of "e'" "l'" "e"] have "snoc (cons e' l') e = cons e' (snoc l' e)" .
    also from cons.IH have "... = cons e' (insert l' (Suc (length l')) e)" by simp
    also from insert_suc[of "e'" "l'" "length l'" "e", symmetric]
         have "... = insert (cons e' l') (Suc (Suc (length l'))) e" .
    also from len_cons[of "e'" "l'", symmetric]
         have "... = insert (cons e' l') (Suc (length (cons e' l'))) e" by simp
    finally show ?case .

Exercice supplémentaire (non traité en TD)

Donner une spécification des booléens sans axiomes (uniquement avec des constantes et des fonctions). Vérifiez que chaque fonction est complètement définie. Démontrer la commutativité du ET par induction.

Utilisez le squelette ci-dessous pour débuter :

theory Bool
imports Main

datatype boolean = 
 | false

(* Logical Not, with prefix notation "¬." to avoid confusion with the predefined ¬ operation *)
fun Not :: "boolean ⇒ boolean" ("¬.")
   "¬.true = false"
 | "¬.false = true"

(* Logical And, with infix notation ".∧." with precedence 65 ("=" has precedence 50) *)
fun And :: "boolean ⇒ boolean ⇒ boolean" (infix ".∧." 65)
(* to be completed *)

(* Logical Or, with infix notation ".∨." with precedence 65 ("=" has precedence 50) *)
fun Or :: "boolean ⇒ boolean ⇒ boolean" (infix ".∨." 65)
(* to be completed *)

(* Test how some simple terms are evaluated *)
value "false .∨. true"
value "(a .∨. true) .∧. true"

(* Proof by induction that logical And is commutative *)
theorem and_commutative: "a .∧. b = b .∧. a"
proof (cases a)
(* to be completed *)