CentraleSupélec LMF, UMR CNRS 9021
Département informatique Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles
Bât Breguet, 3 rue Joliot-Curie Bât 650 Ada Lovelace, Université Paris Sud
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France Rue Noetzlin, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France


abcintex is a LaTeX package for using inline ABC music to create scores in a LaTeX document.

ABC music found in an "abc" environment is written to an ABC temporary source file which is converted to PostScript and then to either EPS (if you use tex) or PDF (if you use pdftex) before being inserted in your document.

This is still an experimental package, and you will find the documentation at the beginning of abcintex.sty. You may also play with example1.tex and example2.tex in folder "examples" to get a better understanding of how abcintex works.

abcintex uses the \write18 command to convert ABC files, so you must use a TeX engine that supports this trick, and enable it (with the -shell-escape option for teTeX for instance). Its default configuration uses abcm2ps, abcpp and abc2midi to process ABC files.

abcintex uses a special version of keyval named keyvalx.sty that allows the definition of a default processing for unknown keys in options.

The "more" folder contains extensions for use with abcintex:

  • harmony.sty is a package that uses abcintex to annotate scores of four voice chorals. It relies on PostScript decorations as supported by abcm2ps.
  • pianopedal.abc defines the Ped and Dep ABC decorations for marking the beginning and the end of the use of the pedal in piano scores.

Frédéric Boulanger.