CentraleSupélec LMF, UMR CNRS 9021
Département informatique Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles
Bât Breguet, 3 rue Joliot-Curie Bât 650 Ada Lovelace, Université Paris Sud
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France Rue Noetzlin, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Preuve de l'équivalence des définitions du PGCD

Document présentant la preuve.

Théorie Isabelle de cette preuve :

(:brush=isabelle:) section ‹ Introduction › text ‹

  This Isabelle theory presents a proof of the equivalence of the \emph{natural} definition
  of the Greatest Common Divisor for integers (as a common divisor that is greater than all 
  other common divisors),
  and the definition on rings (as a common divisor that is divided by all other common divisors).

  We finally show the equivalence between our definitions of the GCD using predicates, and the 
  functional definition in Isabelle, which relies on Euclid's algorithm.

theory IntGCD imports Main


section ‹ Common divisors › text ‹

  We define a predicate for characterizing common divisors of two integers, and prove some 
  theorems that will be needed for proving properties of the GCD.

› definition common_div :: ‹int ⇒ int ⇒ int ⇒ bool› where

  ‹common_div a b p ≡ p dvd a ∧ p dvd b›

lemma common_div_comm:

  ‹common_div a b p = common_div b a p›

using common_div_def by blast

text ‹

  Two integers have 0 as common divisor only if one of them is 0:

› lemma cdiv_0: ‹common_div a b 0 ⟷ a = 0 ∧ b = 0› using common_div_def by simp

text ‹

  Common divisors are not changed by absolute values:

› theorem common_div_abs:

  ‹common_div a b d = common_div ¦a¦ ¦b¦ d›

using common_div_def by simp

text ‹

  The common divisors of \(a\) and \(b\) are the common divisors of \(a-b\) and \(b\).
  This theorem is the basis of the proof of the equivalence of the two definitions of the GCD.

› lemma common_div_ab_dir:

  assumes ‹common_div a b p›
  shows   ‹common_div (a - b) b p›

proof -

  from assms and dvd_def
    obtain ka where ‹a = p * ka› unfolding common_div_def by blast
  moreover from assms and dvd_def
    obtain kb where ‹b = p * kb› unfolding common_div_def by blast
  ultimately have ‹a - b = (ka - kb) * p› by algebra
  hence ‹p dvd (a - b)› by simp
  moreover from assms have ‹p dvd b› using common_div_def by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis using common_div_def by simp


lemma common_div_ab_rev:

  assumes ‹common_div (a - b) b p›
  shows   ‹common_div a b p›

proof -

  from assms and dvd_def
    obtain ka where ‹(a - b) = p * ka› unfolding common_div_def by blast
  moreover from assms and dvd_def
    obtain kb where ‹b = p * kb› unfolding common_div_def by blast
  ultimately have ‹a = (ka + kb) * p› by algebra
  hence ‹p dvd a› by simp
  moreover from assms have ‹p dvd b› using common_div_def by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis using common_div_def by simp


theorem common_div_ab:‹common_div a b p = common_div (a - b) b p› using common_div_ab_dir and common_div_ab_rev by blast

theorem common_div_ba:‹common_div a b p = common_div a (b - a) p› using common_div_ab and common_div_comm by simp

section ‹ Greatest common divisor, defined on order › text ‹

  Here we define the greatest common divisor using the order on integers.
  We define a predicate for identifying upper bounds of all common divisors:

definition no_greater_div :: ‹int ⇒ int ⇒ int ⇒ bool› where

  ‹no_greater_div a b g ≡ ∀p. common_div a b p ⟶ p ≤ g›

text ‹

  Such an upper bound is always strictly positive:

› lemma greater_div_pos: ‹no_greater_div a b g ⟹ g > 0› proof -

  assume h:‹no_greater_div a b g›
  have ‹1 dvd a› by simp
  moreover have ‹1 dvd b› by simp
  ultimately have ‹common_div a b 1› using common_div_def by simp
  with h have ‹g ≥ 1› using no_greater_div_def by simp
  thus ?thesis by simp


theorem greater_div_abs:

  ‹no_greater_div a b g = no_greater_div ¦a¦ ¦b¦ g›


  assume h:‹no_greater_div a b g›
    fix p assume ‹common_div ¦a¦ ¦b¦ p›
    with common_div_abs have ‹common_div a b p› by simp
    with h have ‹p ≤ g› using no_greater_div_def by simp
  thus ‹no_greater_div ¦a¦ ¦b¦ g› using no_greater_div_def by simp


  assume h:‹no_greater_div ¦a¦ ¦b¦ g›
    fix p assume ‹common_div a b p›
    with common_div_abs have ‹common_div ¦a¦ ¦b¦ p› by simp
    with h have ‹p ≤ g› using no_greater_div_def by simp
  thus ‹no_greater_div a b g› using no_greater_div_def by simp


text ‹

  The GCD is a common divisor which is an upper bound of the common divisors:

› definition is_gcd :: ‹int ⇒ int ⇒ int ⇒ bool› where

  ‹is_gcd a b g ≡ common_div a b g ∧ no_greater_div a b g›

text ‹

  We now derive properties of the GCD from properties of divisors.

› lemma gcd_comm: ‹is_gcd a b g = is_gcd b a g› using is_gcd_def and common_div_def and no_greater_div_def by auto

lemma gcd_pos: ‹is_gcd a b g ⟹ g > 0› using is_gcd_def and greater_div_pos by blast

lemma gcd_neq_zero:

  assumes ‹is_gcd a b g›
  shows   ‹g ≠ 0›

using gcd_pos[OF assms] by simp

lemma gcd_a0:

  assumes ‹a ≠ 0›
  shows   ‹is_gcd a 0 ¦a¦›

proof -

  from dvd_imp_le_int[OF assms] have ‹∀p. p dvd a ∧ p dvd 0 ⟶ ¦p¦ ≤ ¦a¦›
    by simp
  hence ‹no_greater_div a 0 ¦a¦› unfolding no_greater_div_def and common_div_def
    by auto
  thus ?thesis using abs_div is_gcd_def common_div_def by simp


lemma gcd_0b:

  assumes ‹b ≠ 0›
  shows   ‹is_gcd 0 b ¦b¦›

using assms and gcd_a0 and gcd_comm by auto

lemma gcd_self:

  assumes ‹a ≠ 0›
  shows   ‹is_gcd a a ¦a¦›

proof -

  from dvd_imp_le_int[OF assms] have ‹∀p. p dvd a ∧ p dvd a ⟶ ¦p¦ ≤ ¦a¦› 
    by simp
  hence ‹no_greater_div a a ¦a¦› unfolding no_greater_div_def and common_div_def
    by auto
  moreover from abs_div have ‹common_div a a ¦a¦› using common_div_def by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis using is_gcd_def by simp


lemma gcd_abs:

  ‹is_gcd a b g = is_gcd ¦a¦ ¦b¦ g›

using is_gcd_def and common_div_abs and greater_div_abs by simp

theorem gcd_ab:‹is_gcd a b g = is_gcd (a - b) b g› using is_gcd_def no_greater_div_def common_div_ab by simp

theorem gcd_ba:‹is_gcd a b g = is_gcd a (b - a) g› using gcd_ab and gcd_comm by simp

text ‹

  With the definition of the GCD based on the order on integers, the GCD is unique.

› lemma gcd_unique:

  assumes ‹is_gcd a b g›
  and     ‹is_gcd a b g'›
  shows   ‹g = g'›

proof -

  from assms(1) have ‹∀p. common_div a b p ⟶ p ≤ g›
    using is_gcd_def and no_greater_div_def by simp
  moreover from assms(2) have ‹common_div a b g'›
    using is_gcd_def by simp
  ultimately have 1:‹g' ≤ g› by simp
  from assms(2) have ‹∀p. common_div a b p ⟶ p ≤ g'›
    using is_gcd_def and no_greater_div_def by simp
  moreover from assms(1) have ‹common_div a b g› using is_gcd_def by simp
  ultimately have 2:‹g ≤ g'› by simp
  from 1 and 2 show ?thesis by simp


section ‹ Greatest common divisor, ring definition › text ‹

  We now define the greatest common divisor as one which is divided by all other common divisors.
  We keep the positive one, so that this definition match the previous one.

› definition is_gcd_div :: ‹int ⇒ int ⇒ int ⇒ bool› where

  ‹is_gcd_div a b g ≡ (g > 0) ∧ common_div a b g
                    ∧ (∀p. common_div a b p ⟶ p dvd g)›

text ‹

  With this definition, the GCD cannot be null. Although the GCD of 0 and 0 is 0 using the ring 
  definition of the GCD, this makes no sense with regard to the definition based on the order on 
  integers: any integer is a common divisor of 0 and 0, so there is no greatest one.

› lemma gcd_div_neq_zero:‹is_gcd_div a b g ⟹ g ≠ 0› using is_gcd_div_def by simp

section ‹ Proof of the equivalence of the two definitions › text ‹

  We can now show that both definitions of the GCD are equivalent.
  Showing that being the GCD with the ring definition implies being the GCD 
  with the order definition is straightforward:

› lemma gcd_div_inf:

  assumes ‹is_gcd_div a b g›
  shows   ‹is_gcd a b g›

proof -

  from assms have 1:‹common_div a b g› using is_gcd_div_def by simp
  from assms have 2:‹∀p. common_div a b p ⟶ p dvd g›
    using is_gcd_div_def by simp
  from assms have 3:‹g > 0› using is_gcd_div_def by simp
  have ‹∀p. common_div a b p ⟶ p ≤ g›
  proof -
      fix p assume h:‹common_div a b p›
      with 2 have dp:‹p dvd g› by simp
      from 3 have ‹¦g¦ = g› and ‹g ≠ 0› by simp+
      with zdvd_imp_le[OF dp] have ‹p ≤ g› by simp
    thus ?thesis by auto
  thus ?thesis using 1 and is_gcd_def and no_greater_div_def by simp 


text ‹

  The other way is more difficult. We use induction on natural numbers with an upper bound on
  the sum of the absolute values, and use the fact that @{prop ‹is_gcd (a - b) b g = is_gcd a b g›}

› lemma cdiv_div_gcd:

  ‹(¦a¦ + ¦b¦ > 0) ∧ (nat (¦a¦ + ¦b¦) ≤ Suc n) ∧ is_gcd ¦a¦ ¦b¦ g
   ⟹ (∀p. common_div ¦a¦ ¦b¦ p ⟶ p dvd g)›

proof (induction n arbitrary: a b)

  case 0
    hence pos:‹¦a¦ + ¦b¦ > 0›
      and leq1:‹¦a¦ + ¦b¦ ≤ 1›
      and gcd:‹is_gcd ¦a¦ ¦b¦ g› by auto
    show ?case
    proof (cases ‹a = 0›)
      case True (* a = 0 *)
        with leq1 and pos have ‹¦b¦ = 1› by simp
        moreover with this have ‹g = 1›
          using gcd_0b[of ‹¦b¦›] and `a = 0` and gcd and gcd_unique by simp
        ultimately show ?thesis using common_div_def by simp
      case False (* a ≠ 0 *)
        with leq1 have ‹¦a¦ = 1› and ‹b = 0› by auto
        moreover with this have ‹g = 1›
          using gcd_a0[of ‹¦a¦›] and `¬a = 0` and gcd and gcd_unique by simp
        ultimately show ?thesis using common_div_def by simp


    case (Suc k)
      from Suc.prems have
        1:‹nat (¦a¦ + ¦b¦) ≤ Suc (Suc k)› and
        2:‹is_gcd ¦a¦ ¦b¦ g› and 3:‹¦a¦ + ¦b¦ > 0› by auto
      show ?case
      proof (cases ‹nat (¦a¦ + ¦b¦) ≤ Suc k›)
        case True
          thus ?thesis using Suc.IH and 2 and 3 by simp
        case False
          with 1 have ab:‹nat (¦a¦ + ¦b¦) = Suc (Suc k)› by simp
          show ?thesis
          proof (cases ‹¦a¦ ≥ ¦b¦›)
            case True (* ¦a¦ ≥ ¦b¦ *)
              show ?thesis
              proof (cases ‹¦b¦ = 0›)
                case True (* ¦b¦ = 0 *)
                  with ab have ‹¦a¦ ≠ 0› by simp
                  with `¦b¦ = 0` and 2 and gcd_a0[of ‹¦a¦›] and gcd_unique
                    have ‹g = ¦a¦› by simp
                  thus ?thesis using common_div_def by simp
                case False (* ¦b¦ ≠ 0 *)
                  with ab have ‹nat (¦a¦ - ¦b¦ + ¦b¦) ≤ Suc k›
                    using `¦a¦ ≥ ¦b¦` by simp
                  moreover from 2 and gcd_ab have ‹is_gcd (¦a¦ - ¦b¦) ¦b¦ g›
                    by simp
                  moreover from `¦b¦ ≠ 0` and `¦a¦ ≥ ¦b¦` have ‹¦a¦ + ¦b¦ - ¦b¦ > 0›
                    by simp
                  ultimately show ?thesis
                    using Suc.IH[of ‹¦a¦ - ¦b¦› ‹¦b¦›] and `¦a¦ ≥ ¦b¦` and common_div_ab
                    by simp
            case False (* ¦a¦ < ¦b¦ *)
              show ?thesis
              proof (cases ‹¦a¦ = 0›)
                case True
                  with ab have ‹¦b¦ ≠ 0› by simp
                  with True and 2 and gcd_0b[of ‹¦b¦›] and gcd_unique
                    have ‹g = ¦b¦› by simp
                  thus ?thesis using common_div_def by simp
                case False
                  with ab have ‹nat (¦a¦ + ¦b¦ - ¦a¦) ≤ Suc k›
                    using `¬ ¦a¦ ≥ ¦b¦` by simp
                  moreover from 2 and `¬ ¦a¦ ≥ ¦b¦` and gcd_ba
                    have ‹is_gcd ¦a¦ (¦b¦ - ¦a¦) g› by simp
                  moreover from `¦a¦ ≠ 0` and `¬ ¦a¦ ≥ ¦b¦`
                    have ‹¦a¦ + ¦b¦ - ¦a¦ > 0› by simp 
                  ultimately show ?thesis
                    using Suc.IH[of ‹¦a¦› ‹¦b¦ - ¦a¦›] and `¬ ¦a¦ ≥ ¦b¦`
                      and common_div_ba by simp


text ‹

  We can now remove the condition used to make the induction on \(n\):

› lemma common_div_gcd:

  assumes ‹a ≠ 0 ∨ b ≠ 0›
  and     ‹is_gcd ¦a¦ ¦b¦ g›
  shows   ‹(∀p. common_div ¦a¦ ¦b¦ p ⟶ p dvd g)›

proof -

  from assms(1) have 1:‹¦a¦ + ¦b¦ > 0› by auto
  have ‹nat (¦a¦ + ¦b¦) ≤ Suc (nat (¦a¦ + ¦b¦))› by simp
  with assms and 1 have
    ‹(¦a¦ + ¦b¦ > 0) ∧ (nat (¦a¦ + ¦b¦) ≤ Suc (nat (¦a¦ + ¦b¦))) ∧ is_gcd ¦a¦ ¦b¦ g›
    by blast
  from cdiv_div_gcd[OF this] show ?thesis .


text ‹

  Therefore, we have the equivalence of the two definitions when \(a\) and \(b\) are not both null:

› lemma gcd_inf_div:

  assumes ‹is_gcd a b g›
  and     ‹a ≠ 0 ∨ b ≠ 0›
  shows   ‹is_gcd_div a b g›

proof -

  from assms(1) have ‹is_gcd ¦a¦ ¦b¦ g› using gcd_abs by simp
  with assms(2) and common_div_gcd
    have ‹(∀p. common_div ¦a¦ ¦b¦ p ⟶ p dvd g)› by simp
  hence ‹(∀p. common_div a b p ⟶ p dvd g)› using common_div_abs by simp
  moreover from assms(1) have ‹common_div a b g› using is_gcd_def by simp
  moreover from assms(1) have ‹g > 0› using gcd_pos by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis using is_gcd_div_def by simp


theorem gcd_inf_div_eq:

  assumes ‹a ≠ 0 ∨ b ≠ 0›
  shows   ‹is_gcd a b g = is_gcd_div a b g›

using assms and gcd_div_inf and gcd_inf_div by blast

text ‹

  The condition on the simultaneous nullity of \(a\) and \(b\) comes from the fact that
  there is no GCD of 0 and 0 with the definiton based on the order on integers:

› lemma any_common_div_0:‹common_div 0 0 d› proof -

  have ‹d dvd 0› by simp
  thus ?thesis using common_div_def by simp


theorem ‹¬(∃g. no_greater_div 0 0 g)› proof

  assume ‹∃g. no_greater_div 0 0 g›
  from this obtain g where ngd:‹no_greater_div 0 0 g› by blast
  from any_common_div_0[of ‹g+1›] have ‹common_div 0 0 (g+1)› .
  with ngd have ‹g+1 ≤ g› using no_greater_div_def by blast
  thus False by simp


text ‹

  Finally, we prove that our definition of the GCD matches the definition
  of the \(\mathop{gcd}\) function in Isabelle.

lemma gcdfunc_imp_gcd_div:

  assumes ‹a ≠ 0 ∨ b ≠ 0›
  and     ‹g = gcd a b›
  shows   ‹is_gcd_div a b g›

using assms common_div_def is_gcd_div_def by auto

theorem gcd_func_is_gcd_div:

  assumes ‹a ≠ 0 ∨ b ≠ 0›
  shows   ‹(g = gcd a b) = is_gcd_div a b g›


  assume ‹is_gcd_div a b g›
  hence h:‹is_gcd a b g› using gcd_inf_div_eq[OF assms] by simp
  let ?g' = ‹gcd a b›
  from assms and gcdfunc_imp_gcd_div have ‹is_gcd_div a b ?g'› by simp
  hence ‹is_gcd a b ?g'› using gcd_inf_div_eq[OF assms] by simp
  from gcd_unique[OF this h] show ‹g = ?g'› ..

qed (simp add: gcdfunc_imp_gcd_div[OF assms])

end (:endbrush:)